Springer Identifiers

The identifier is the metapress identifier of the given article. If you are looking for a specific journal then start here. If you are looking for the proceedings of a conference then DBLP will be a good starting point.

In either case find the page which has the contents of the proceedings. If you are looking in DBLP, use the "Electronic Edition" link (older articles do not have an online version). Once you get to the Springer page for the specific article, click on "Linking Options" on the right pane, and you will see the metapress identifier of this article.

For example, if you go to this page and click on the Linking options, you will see that this article has the Metapress identifier "q1qgr547yxljab9j." This corresponds to the ToC eprint entry

eprint = {stacs:q1qgr547yxljab9j}

Click here to find the supported publications and their archive acronyms.

Last updated August 3, 2005.