Frequently Asked Questions
- Why don't the red stars in the PDF bibliography work? Answer.
- How do I link to a specific article? Answer.
Why don't the red stars in the PDF bibliography work?
When you click on the red stars, you should be taken to a web page which contains the bibliography of the article you are reading. If your browser displays a URL containing "%23" please replace it with a "#". As far as we know this problem occurs when you are viewing the PDF file inside the browser window with Adobe 6.0. Upgrading to Adobe 7.0 solves this problem.
How do I link to a specific article?
Please link to the page containing the abstract of the article. This URL can be obtained from the BibTeX entry for the article. Do not link directly to the PDF. Instead link to the file containing the abstract. This will help people decide (by reading the abstract) whether they really want to download the entire article.
Last updated October 3, 2004.