About the Author(s)

Avi Wigderson Professor School of Mathematics Institute for Advanced Study avi[ta]ias[td]edu http://www.math.ias.edu/~avi
Avi Wigderson was born in Haifa, Israel in 1956, and received his Ph. D. in 1983 at Princeton University under Dick Lipton. He enjoys and is fascinated with studying the power and limits of efficient computation, and the remarkable impacts of this field on understanding our world. Avi's other major source of fascination and joy are his three kids, Eyal, Einat, and Yuval.

David Xiao Student Department of Computer Science Princeton University dxiao[ta]cs[td]princeton[td]edu http://www.cs.princeton.edu/~dxiao
David Xiao hopes to receive his Ph. D. soon from Princeton University under the supervision of Boaz Barak and Avi Wigderson. He is interested in complexity theory and cryptography, and in his spare time he enjoys wandering through city streets and rocking out to French house music.