Received: September 6, 2007
Published: April 16, 2008
DOI: 10.4086/toc.2008.v004a001
Abstract: [Plain Text Version]
For an integer h ≥ 1, an elementary h-route flow is a flow
along h edge disjoint paths between a source and a sink, each path
carrying a unit of flow, and a single commodity h-route flow is a
non-negative linear combination of elementary h-route flows. An
instance of a single source multicommodity flow problem
for a graph G = (V,E)
consists of a source vertex
We study the relation between classical and multiroute single source flows
on undirected networks with uniform capacities and we provide a tight bound.
In particular, we prove the following result. Given an instance
Furthermore, we introduce and investigate duplex flows defined so that the capacity constraints on edges are applied independently to each direction. We show that for networks with uniform capacities and for instances as above the maximum classical flow between s and the ti is the same as the maximum h-route duplex flow between s and the ti. Moreover, the total flow on each edge in the duplex flow can be restricted to (2 − 2/h)C, where C is the capacity of each edge.
As a corollary, we establish a max-flow min-cut theorem for the single source multicommodity multiroute flow and cut. An h-disconnecting cut for ℑ is a set of edges F ⊆ E such that for each i, the maximum h-route flow between s and ti is zero. We show that the maximum h-route flow is within 2h − 2 of the minimum h-disconnecting cut, independently of the number of commodities; we also describe a (2h − 2)-approximation algorithm for the minimum h-disconnecting cut problem.