About the Author(s)

Alexander A. Razborov Institute for Advanced Study and Steklov Mathematical Institute razborov[ta]ias[td]edu http://www.mi.ras.ru/~razborov
Alexander Razborov graduated from the Steklov Mathematical Institute in 1987 under the supervision of Sergei I. Adian. The title of his dissertation was "On systems of equations in a free group" (in Russian). He is interested in theoretical computer science (especially complexity theory of any kind) and mathematics, more often discrete than not.

Sergey Yekhanin Institute for Advanced Study yekhanin[ta]ias[td]edu http://math.ias.edu/~yekhanin/
Sergey Yekhanin obtained his doctoral degree from MIT in 2007 under the supervision of Madhu Sudan. Sergey is currently a postdoc at the School of Mathematics of the Institute for Advanced Study. His research interests are in computational complexity theory, cryptography, and the theory of error-correcting codes.