About the Author(s)

Peter Høyer
Department of Computer Science
University of Calgary, 
Alberta, Canada

Peter Høyer received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Southern Denmark, Odense Campus, under the supervision of Joan Boyar and Gilles Brassard. His research interests include algorithmics, data structures, and quantum information. He is currently working on having the algorithms of the present article to be included as DLL's in the final release of Vista, formerly known as Longhorn.

Robert Špalek
graduate student
Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica, 
Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Robert Špalek received his Masters Degrees in Computer Science from Charles University, Prague and Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam. He is currently a graduate student at CWI, advised by Harry Buhrman. His research interests include quantum computing, computational complexity, algorithms, data structures, and search engines. He also enjoys climbing, salsa, photography, travelling to distant countries, and playing guitar.